

아모레를 선택한 MSCI 지수, 편입종목 전면 개편...신규 및 탈락기업 총명세


아모레를 선택한 MSCI 지수, 편입종목 전면 개편...신규 및 탈락기업 총명세

MSCI는 아모레퍼시픽을 신흥국 지수종목을 새로 발탁하는 등 지수 종목을 전면개편했다. MSCI에 새로 오른 기업과 탈락기업에 관한 MSCI 발표문 전문을 소개한다.
MSCI는 아모레퍼시픽을 신흥국 지수종목을 새로 발탁하는 등 지수 종목을 전면개편했다. MSCI에 새로 오른 기업과 탈락기업에 관한 MSCI 발표문 전문을 소개한다.
[글로벌이코노믹 김대호 기자] MSCI 편입 종목이 전면 교체됐다.

MSCI는 13일 글로벌 기준지수(MSCI Global Standard) 등 모든 지수에서의 편입 종목을 재검토, 새로 부상하는 기업을 추가하고 동시에 실적이 부진한 기업을 대거 퇴출시켰다.
글로벌 지수의 경우 67개 기업이 신규 추가되고 45개 기업은 탈락했다.

신규진입종목 중에서는 독일의 Evonik Industries과 미국의 Citizens Financial Group 그리고 미국의 Freescale Semiconductor 등이 주목을 끌었다

이번에 편입종목이 조정된 지수는

글로벌 기준지수(MSCI Global Standard) ,

글로벌 스몰 캡 지수 (MSCI Global Small Cap) ,

글로벌 마이크로 캡 지수 (MSCI Micro Cap Indexes),
글로벌 가치및 성장 지수 (MSCI Global Value and Growth Indexes),

프론티어 시장지수 (MSCI Frontier Markets)

프론티어 스몰 캡 지수 (MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap Indexes) ,

글로벌 이슬람 지수 (MSCI Global Islamic),

글로벌 이슬람 스몰 캡 지수 (MSCI Global Islamic Small Cap Indexes),

글로벌 범 유로및 유로지수( MSCI Pan‐Euro and MSCI Euro Indexes)

미국 주식지수(MSCI US Equity Indexes),

미국 리츠 지수( MSCI US REIT Index),

중국 A 지수 (MSCI China A Indexes)

신흥국지수 (MSCI Emerging Markets Index)


이번 교체는 5월 29일 장마감 이후부터 적용된다.

그중 신흥국지수 (MSCI Emerging Markets Index)에 한국의 아모레퍼시픽이 새로 추가됐다.

MSCI는 Morgan Stanley Capital International Index의 약어이다.

‘파이낸셜타임스 스톡익스체인지(Financial Times Stock Exchange), 즉 FTSE 지수와 함께 양대 산맥을 이루는 지수다.

MSCI 지수는 전 세계를 대상으로 투자하는 글로벌 대형 펀드가 자산을 운용할 때 기준으로 삼고 있다.

이 지수에 포함되면 전 세계의 펀드로부터 투자대상이 된다는 점에서 수요기반을 크게 늘릴 수 있다.

외국인 투자가 크게 늘어날 가능성이 높은 것이다.

비단 펀드 뿐만 아니라 해외의 증권사나 기업 그리고 일반 개인들로부터의 투자도 기대된다..

MSCI 로고.
MSCI 로고.

[다음은 지수종목 교체에과한 MCSI 발표문 전문]

Geneva – May 12, 2015 – MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI), a leading provider of research-based indexes and analytics,
announced today the results of the May 2015 Semi‐Annual Index Review for the MSCI Equity Indexes –
including the MSCI Global Standard, MSCI Global Small Cap and MSCI Micro Cap Indexes, as well as the MSCI
Global Value and Growth Indexes, the MSCI Frontier Markets and MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap Indexes, the
MSCI Global Islamic and MSCI Global Islamic Small Cap Indexes, the MSCI Pan‐Euro and MSCI Euro Indexes, the
MSCI US Equity Indexes, the MSCI US REIT Index, as well as the MSCI China A Indexes.

All changes will be implemented as of the close of May 29, 2015.

MSCI Global Standard Indexes: Sixty-seven securities will be added to and 45 securities will be deleted from
the MSCI ACWI Index. In the MSCI World Index, the three largest additions measured by full company market
capitalization will be Evonik Industries (Germany), Citizens Financial Group (USA) and Freescale Semiconductor

The three largest additions to the MSCI Emerging Markets Index measured by full company market
capitalization will be GF Securities Co H (China), Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties H (China) and Amorepac
Corporation Pref (Korea).

MSCI Global Small Cap Indexes: There will be 400 additions to and 292 deletions from the MSCI ACWI Small
Cap Index.

MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes: There will be 391 additions to and 261 deletions from the MSCI ACWI

MSCI Global All Cap Indexes: There will be 454 additions to and 187 deletions from the MSCI World All Cap

MSCI Global Value and Growth Indexes: For the MSCI ACWI Value Index, the largest additions or style changes
from growth to value will be Glaxosmithkline (United Kingdom), Novartis (Switzerland) and Kinder Morgan P

For the MSCI ACWI Growth Index, the largest additions or style changes from value to growth will be
Deutsche Telekom (Germany), Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Australia) and Westpac Banking (Australia).
MSCI Frontier Markets Indexes: There will be six additions to and nine deletions from the MSCI Frontier
Markets Index. The three largest additions to the MSCI Frontier Markets Index will be Boubyan Bank (Kuwait),
Ciments Du Maroc (Morocco) and Hub-Power Co (Pakistan).

There will be 24 additions to and 27 deletions from the MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap Index.
MSCI Global Islamic Indexes: Forty-seven securities will be added to and 66 securities will be deleted from the
MSCI ACWI Islamic Index.

The three largest additions to the MSCI ACWI Islamic Index will be Facebook A (USA),
The Priceline Group (USA) and Fast Retailing Company (Japan). There will be one addition to and three
deletions from the MSCI Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries ex Saudi Arabia IMI Islamic Index.
MSCI US Equity Indexes: There will be seven securities added to and nine securities deleted from the MSCI US
Large Cap 300 Index. The three largest additions to the MSCI US Large Cap 300 Index measured by full company
market capitalization will be Perrigo, Amerisourcebergen, and Monster Beverage.

Thirty securities will be added to and 17 securities will be deleted from the MSCI US Mid Cap 450 Index. The
three largest additions to the MSCI US Mid Cap 450 Index measured by full company market capitalization will
be Northern Trust Corporation, Progressive Corporation, and FirstEnergy Corporation.

One hundred securities will be added to and 69 securities will be deleted from the MSCI US Small Cap 1750

The three largest additions to the MSCI US Small Cap 1750 Index measured by full company market
capitalization will be Westar Energy, Nordson Corporation, and Patterson Companies.
There will be 78 additions to and 33 deletions from the MSCI US Micro Cap Index.

For the MSCI US Investable Market Value Index, there will be 235 additions or upward changes in Value
Inclusion Factor (VIFs), and 176 deletions or downward changes in VIFs. For the MSCI US Investable Market
Growth Index, there will be 225 additions or upward changes in Growth Inclusion Factors (GIFs), and 236
deletions or downward changes in GIFs.

MSCI US REIT Index: There will be five additions to and no deletions from the MSCI US REIT Index.
MSCI China A Indexes: There will be 61 additions to and 6 deletions from the MSCI China A Index. The three
largest additions to the MSCI China A Index will be Shanghai Electric Group A, Dongxing Securities Co A and
Shanghai 2345 Network A. There will be 63 additions to and 39 deletions from the MSCI China A Small Cap
MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes: As previously announced, MSCI plans to launch MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes as
Standalone Market Indexes effective June 1, 2015. The MSCI Saudi Arabia Index will have 19 constituents, while
the MSCI Saudi Arabia Small Cap Index will have 39 constituents.

The results of the May 2015 Semi‐Annual Index Review of the MSCI Pan‐Euro and MSCI Euro Indexes and the
MSCI Global Islamic Small Cap Indexes have also been posted on MSCI’s web site at www.msci.com.


For more than 40 years, MSCI’s research-based indexes and analytics have helped the world’s leading investors build and
manage better portfolios. Clients rely on our offerings for deeper insights into the drivers of performance and risk in their
portfolios, broad asset class coverage and innovative research.
Our line of products and services includes indexes, analytical models, data, real estate benchmarks and ESG research.
MSCI serves 98 of the top 100 largest money managers, according to the most recent P&I ranking.
김대호 기자 tiger8280@

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