

[인물연구] FOMC 재닛 옐런 의장 그만둔다, 후임 게리 콘 (Gary Cohn) 누구? 뉴욕증시 비상, 부동산 중개업자 아들


[인물연구] FOMC 재닛 옐런 의장 그만둔다, 후임 게리 콘 (Gary Cohn) 누구? 뉴욕증시 비상, 부동산 중개업자 아들

[글로벌이코노믹 김대호 기자] 게리 콘 미국 국가 경제위원회 위원장이 차기 미국 연준 의장으로 거론되고 있다.

미국의 주요 방송들은 27일 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 재닛 옐런 연방준비제도이사회 FRB 의장 후임으로 골드만삭스 사장 출신인 게리 콘 백악관 국가경제위원회 NEC 위원장을 내정해 두고 있다고 보도하기 시작했다.
CNBC는 이날 차기 연준 의장은 게리 콘 NEC 위원장이 유력하다고 밝혔다.

앞서 재닛 옐런 의장은 더이상 자리에 미련이 없음을 밝힌 것으로 알려졌다.

[인물연구] 재닛 옐런 FRB 의장 그만둔다, 후임 게리 콘 (Gary Cohn) 누구? 뉴욕증시 비상, 부동산 중개업자 아들.경제학자가 아닌 FRB 의장은 40년만에 처음이다. 이미지 확대보기
[인물연구] 재닛 옐런 FRB 의장 그만둔다, 후임 게리 콘 (Gary Cohn) 누구? 뉴욕증시 비상, 부동산 중개업자 아들.경제학자가 아닌 FRB 의장은 40년만에 처음이다.

게리 콘은 유대인 가정에서 태어난 유대인이다.

그의 부친 빅터 콘은 부동산 중개업자이다

게리콘은 Gilmour Academy 학교를 거쳐 워싱턴 DC에 소재한 아메리칸대 (American University')에서 경영학 학사학위를 받았다.

게리 콘 위원장은 원래 민주당원이었다.

지난 대선에서 트럼프 대통령 선거 캠프에는 관여하지 않았다.

콘 위원장이 연준 의장에 오르면 40년 만에 처음으로 경제학자 아닌 사업가 출신의 FRB 의장이 나오는 것이다.

다음은 게리 콘 이력

Gary David Cohn (born August 27, 1960) is an American investment banker and political figure.

He is the chief economic advisor to President Donald Trump and Director of the National Economic Council.

He was formerly the president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs from 2006 to 2017.

Cohn is a registered Democrat, but has donated extensively to Republican politicians as well.

Cohn is considered one of the most influential voices in the Trump administration.

Gary Cohn was born to an Eastern European Jewish family, the son of Victor and Ellen Cohn; and was raised in Shaker Heights, Ohio.

His father was an electrician who later became a real estate developer.

Cohn was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age and attended four schools by the time he reached the sixth grade.

Cohn studied at Gilmour Academy, and received his bachelor's degree from American University's Kogod School of Business.

Cohn started his career at the U.S. Steel home products division in Cleveland, Ohio.

After a few months, he left U.S. Steel and started his career as an options dealer in the New York Mercantile Exchange.

He taught himself the basics of options by reading about it in the days between meeting the hiring manager and joining the New York Mercantile Exchange.]

Cohn was recruited by Goldman Sachs in 1990.

In 1996, he was named head of the commodities department and in 2002, he was named the head of the entire Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities Division (FICC) division.

In 2003, he was named co-head of Equities and in January 2004, Cohn was named the co-head of global securities businesses .[15] He became President and Co-Chief Operating Officer and director in June 2006.

In late 2009, Cohn led a delegation from Goldman Sachs to meetings with the government of Greece, which included proposals (that were not adopted) to push debt-due dates far into the future, "much as when strapped homeowners take out second mortgages to pay off their credit cards."[17] Goldman Sachs had been scrutinized for creating or pitching products used by Greece to "obscure billions in debt from the budget overseers in Brussels".[17]

In 2010, Cohn testified to Congress on the role of Goldman Sachs in the 2007-2008 financial crisis.[18] Cohn testified: "During the two years of the financial crisis, Goldman Sachs lost $1.2 billion in its residential mortgage-related business. We did not 'bet against our clients,' and the numbers underscore this fact."[19]

In February 2015, Cohn hosted the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference in San Francisco. As host, Cohn asked questions of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc., while Cook was on stage.[20]

김대호 기자 yoonsk828@g-enews.com